
Friday, 9 November 2007

Lindsay to get Ugly!

Following in Victoria beckham foot-steps Miss Lindsay Lohan is to guest star in some new episodes of Ugly Betty!

Lindsay would play the role of a fallen beauty queen who takes a gig as the assistant manager of the fast food chain where Betty’s dad toils.The role is apparently part of a three-episode arc during which Betty befriends Ms. Lohan’s character, who has fallen on tough times since high school.
“It sounds really cute,” our spy burbled of the new opportunity, which of course might be jeopardized by the ongoing Writers Guild strike. “Betty tries to help Lindsay’s character by getting her a job at Mode, the fashion magazine where she works on the show.”

This sounds really good and im happy lindsay going through a more positive outlook in life and has stop her wild ways. but there is one problem to this there is a writters strike in america!

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