
Friday, 9 November 2007

Beyonce a fake ass!

For all thoses years when we've been saying "Wow" to Beyonce ass and it all been one "Big" lie!
here we see the singer wearing padded pants on stage in china!
haha im shocked I really thought she had a real big butt! i wonder what eles she lieing about... I bet thats not even her real hair!


Anonymous said...

Obviously its not her real hair - the length, color and style changes daily and there are plenty of pics on the net where you can see the wig line - look about 1.5cm from the hairline - you will see where the wig 'scalp' joins the skin, it is like a mesh that is glued then blended with makeup - does it matter though? She looks hot and we all fake it one way or another! T

Anonymous said...

haha. this is hillarious! theres actually bump panties ya? haha

Anonymous said...

At least she wears panties unlike britney!!!!!!!...AND SHE CAN SING!

Tosin 101 said...

i don't know why but something about beyonce just bugs me out! haha and by the way i know her hair is fake i was being sarcastic! just she made a name out of her ass and its fake!

Anonymous said...

kim kardashian will be next.

Anonymous said...

if you look closely you'll see that she's not wearing that weird thing showed on the picture, but it's just her own ass , it just looks al little weird because she's wearing long stockings, they end just under her ass.

Anonymous said...

it appears that she's just wearing extra supportive underwear.

Anonymous said...

"if you look closely you'll see that she's not wearing that weird thing showed on the picture, but it's just her own ass , it just looks al little weird because she's wearing long stockings, they end just under her ass."

You're right!

Unknown said...

of course thats not her real hair.any dummy would notice thats tracks or a lace front wig.

Anonymous said...

No Duh it's not her real hair! And her ass isnt fake...that's probably her stocking or soemthing

Anonymous said...

No Duh it's not her real hair! And her ass isnt fake...that's probably her stocking or soemthing

jacknessmonster said...

No, Beyonce and alot of the other african american celebs use what is called a LACE FRONT WIG. They're natural human hair, but under neath it's all naps. I don't understand why celebs go all out to be fake. I can understand alittle make up here and there to enhance your natural beauty, but why do they try to take credit for things GOD did not bless them with. Like a round ass or soft hair

kamza said...

I c haters in this blog,i aint got no prblm with ladies who go all out 2 luk beautiful,"if u can AFFORD y not",its not a crime nor a sin 2 put wig or wat so called human hair,if ladies wear booty pads 2 boost their ass then let it b,i dont c how different it is from a bra,u wear bra 2 boost ur breast and show some cleavage,do u consider urself not fake? stop hating,she's hot and mmm mm mmm wealthy

Anonymous said...

What a kind of man are you, that can find a difenrence betwen a good ass and a fake ass? She has a good ass and thats all, are you jealousy or what? You do have a lot of options you can pend some money making a silicone one solving your problems at all.

Lucy said...

hey beyonce is my idol and she is beautiful no matter what like does anyone complain 2 u when u wear fake nails?! or die ur hair NOOO!!......and by the way at least she can afford 2 look good whats ur excuse?!

Izabela said...

...these stars are ridiculous, manufactured stars, manufactured ass

Yasmine said...

Commercial products, stars that are. Less talent, these singers out their bottom spot...false bottom, and this means they are talented

Anonymous said...

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