
Monday, 22 October 2007

The Truth is.....

Times Online reviews the album being Four out of Five; "Far from apologising for a roll-call of adversity that takes in custody battles, hit-and-run offences, extreme hairdressing, sudden lingerie loss and umbrella-on-pap savagery – she comes out fighting on the utterly wonderful Piece Of Me." , Britney Spears learned to be a pop star way before she learned to be an adult. In a sense then, it’s fitting that her facility for great pop moments is the very last facet of her to shut down."

Tomorrow is the HUGE day to die for...VH1 will be streaming the album entirety, starting at 6 A.M. ahhh That means a leak is soon.

I Will not be posting the album....go buy it

1 comment:

Juicy UK said...

i love britney :)